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ADR, Arbitration, Mediation, Corporate Counsel

Top 10 Reasons to Mediate Your Dispute


 1. Self Determination

The parties and their counsel may be in the best position to craft a creative resolution that “fits” and eliminate the uncertainty of having a jury or judge decide your case.


2. Better Compliance

Parties are more inclined to fully comply with agreements they helped negotiate.



3. Safe and impartial evaluation of the dispute

A nonbinding opinion from a respected person who has listened carefully to all arguments can give a litigant the feeling of a “day in court” without the expense, stress and risk of actually being there. Plus, an objective review almost always results in parties understanding their case better.


 4. Faster

Through good faith efforts, most agreements can be reached in a matter of hours. Time is money.


5. Less Expensive

Faster resolution equals lower costs and less distraction time for company representatives. Again, time is money.


6. Private and Confidential

Mediations are “off the record” and intended to promote good faith discussions. Agreements reached in mediations can be kept confidential.



7. Non-partisan and Non-adversarial

Mediators are neutral and do not take sides or fight to win. Their goal is merely to help facilitate a settlement.


8. Less Formal

Private mediations take place in conference rooms, not courtrooms.


9. Binding Settlement Agreement

If a resolution is reached, the signed settlement agreement becomes a legally enforceable contract.


10. Preserve Relationships

Removing the adversarial context helps promote trust and cooperation.